Saturday 10 December 2016

Knowing Pastor Shalom Patole And ARC(Ambernath Revival Centre).

Hello Everyone!

Greetings to one and all in the precious name of our Lord Jesus.

So,to be frank,I am nervous,excited,in two minds on starting up a blog.

But,I will try my best to keep you guys engaged and give you the best
as well as helpful contents,that would bless you and encourage you.


Everything That The Church Ignore's,The Culture Invades.It is TIME That The Church Starts Invading And Influencing,Everything That It has Ignored In The Past.

So,for my first blog post,I would be interviewing someone who is,

A Passionate Pastor,a Humble Leader,an Awesome Worship Leader,

He is Great as a Mentor,a Hilarious Friend,a Witty Guy..............

The list can go and on and.........But we have to complete the interview alsoπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

So, as you all would have read in the title itself,we will be getting to know about,

Pastor Shalom Patole And Ambernath Revival Centre.

Pastor Shalom Is One Of  The Youngest Pastor Around Our City.


1)Little background on who Shalom Patole was before and how is he now? 

Hey everyone! I was born in a Christian family, blessed with wonderful parents and Sis. When I was born doctors said that I won't live for more than 15 days due to some problem in my body as it was a rare case.But our God proves the doctors wrong as I am still alive πŸ˜Š. However I never had a personal relationship with God though my Mom was a believer and strong in her faith.Since my childhood I've been around godly people yet I was far from the Lord. I knew there's something called as the Holy Spirit. I had this understanding that if I ever have an encounter with God it would be in the form of some bright light or some sound, well that's what I heard from other people! Since it didn't happen to me then ,I never took that step towards God due to which I got too far from God. During my college days I got involved into most of the worldly activities (smoking, alcohol) and some more. For me this was life as I started enjoying it and I was still a church goer though. All this continued for years and in Sept 2010 my Mom was promoted to glory.I had no clue why all this happened but instead of asking God I just accepted it and continued with the same life style. One fine day my cousin insisted me to join him for one of the church's youth camp to which I denied but he kept on insisting me and so I said yes! I don't know how😬 I believe that was my first step towards God. I am not saying that you have to attend a youth camp to have an encounter with God but it worked for me. However it was not in the form of some light or sound. As I saw all the youths around me crying and worshipping God that just made me curious about God and I wanted to know who he is. As the pastor was preaching the word she said this "you are the temple of God' "Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?” (1 Corinthians 3:16). This really blew my mind and I started realising all the sins I've committed and that very moment I repented ,prayed and invited Jesus Christ into my life in June 2012 Since then the journey has been amazing!

2)When or how did you come to know that you are called to be a pastor? 

To be honest, I never thought I would ever pastor a church. As I never spoke publicly and I always had a stage fear. But as I used to pray and read the word God would start giving me some revelations and I used to just start preaching to the furniture and walls in my room. And my prayer was like " God just use me the way you want to and help me to be what you want me to be" And right after few months I got a word from our Senior Pastor (Pst Priji Varghese) he said that God wants you to pastor Ambernath Revival Center, he said you pray over it let me know. I wasn't sure about what to say but I waited on God ,prayed and I heard it from God from the book of 1Samuel 16 how God appointed and anointed David to lead the nation of Israel. And on 14th Jan 2015 I said yes to God's call over my life as a pastor.

3)The ARC story,(how and when it came into existence)?

We believe that Ambernath Revival Center (church)is not a human plan but God's plan. Pastor Priji is the man who heard this clearly from God that this city needs a place that will host God's presence. I knew pastor Priji since long, he is my spiritual father now, a great person and an anointed teacher of God's word. Since he moved to Banglore as God commanded him, he always had a burden for Ambernath . I was in touch with pastor Priji and we used to often catch up when he used to come down and pray for the same and in God's time with fasting and praying we dedicated Ambernath Revival Center (church) on 8th June 2014 ,that was our First Service. 

4)What is the vision and purpose of ARC? 

Good question! πŸ˜Š, well ARC is a church that is more focused on Revival i.e Jesus! However it's always important to have a vision. We need to know what are we doing, as Apostle Paul says "Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air.” (1 Corinthians‬ ‭9:26‬ ‭NIV‬‬) When we planted ARC we never thought of competing other churches and we will never do that. We are not dreaming for a crowded church but yes we are believing for a church where members would be transformed into ministers of God's word.The vision is to see REVIVAL in this city, state, nation and in the whole world πŸŒŽ, that's what the great commission is all about, as Jesus Christ mentions it in the gospel of Matthew “Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” ‭‭(Matthew‬ ‭28:18-20‬ ‭NIV‬‬) But it all starts from the house of God and that is you ( the church). KeyPoints/Vision πŸ‘‰Worship and Celebrate God. πŸ‘‰Pursuit God through prayer. πŸ‘‰Present God to this generation. πŸ‘‰Discipleship.

5)What do you think you would have become if not a pastor? 

 I seriously have no clue about this. But yes we all want to become something. Even before getting saved/ born again, I was interested in music πŸŽΆ, I never learnt it though! I was a part of a secular band. I had even tried for a reality tv show (Indian Idol) but i couldn't make it and now I am thankful to God for that πŸ˜€. It's true, when the world rejects God accepts. When I came to the Lord , I always had a desire to form a worship band, in fact I was a part of a worship band too , but yes God has his own ways&plans and His plans are greater and better than ours. We all are called to worship first! “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.” ‭‭John‬ ‭4:23‬ ‭NIV‬‬ I love to worship! And I am still learning. I hope I answered this well πŸ˜¬.

6)Few Words for todays youths and churches. 

I feel like preaching now πŸ˜¬ Firstly, thank you Bro. Benny for giving me an opportunity to share my heart. I would just like to encourage each one of you who is reading this blog specially the youths. You are alive today it's because God's not done with you. It's never too late to come to Him. I am not saying it's ok to sin but its ok if you have sinned and the bible says it clearly, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” ‭‭(Romans‬ ‭3:23‬ ‭NIV‬‬) but the beauty is that God is not short of glory. He is perfect in all his ways. And he is waiting to lavish his love on you. If you are struggling with some issues or addictions in your life but have a desire to serve God then just ask Him today/tonight to help you ,for the bible says "Now is the time". Remember! Don't wait to become perfect and then serve God (which doesn't work) rather start serving God and he will make you perfect. Give your best to the Lord and I believe your "youth-life" is the best offering you could ever offer to the Lord than offering the leftovers. To the Church, let your focus be Jesus alone. God says to Cain in the book of Genesis “If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” ‭‭(Genesis‬ ‭4:7‬ ‭NIV‬) Continue to be faithful to God in the little that you have and God will give you more. We cannot make the church grow ,as Apostle Paul says, "I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow". (1 Corinthians 3:6) I remember, once someone asked me which denomination does your church belong to and my reply was it's non-denominational, immediately that person said 'so its an independent church' to which the Holy Spirit prompted me to say that it's a "God-dependent" church. I am not saying that we should not plan but when we plan we need to depend on God alone.

So,That's It For Now!
Hope You Guys Caught Something Valuable From This Conversation And At The Same Time ,I Hope You Guys Enjoyed It.

NOW, Spread The Word, Share, Give Your Valuable Feedbacks, Connect.

See You Guy's Soon.
Take Care.
God Bless.

Join The ARC(AmbernathRevivalCentre) Movement

Connect With Pastor Shalom-


Unknown said...

Awesome post bro. God bless you both

Benny George said...

Thanks For The Appreciation Brother. Praise God.

Krishik Nair said...

Amazing stuff, both of you :) Looking forward for more, Benny :)

Benny George said...

Ya Bro Krishik.... Will Try My Best...

Pradnya Joshua said...

Blessed with this blogπŸ‘πŸ»God bless you bro Benny and Pastor shalom. ARC has been a biggest blessing of my life. Glory be to God☺️